ABC Record Chart Logout Initials of person causing harm/ intimidation/ damage: Approximate Duration Of IncidentStart Time Hours : Minutes AM PM AM/PM End Time Hours : Minutes AM PM AM/PM Influencing factors or known trigger for behaviours? (Consider up to 48hrs prior)2.Whats was happening immediately before the incident? (Include who was there and what was happening)3. Behaviours exhibited/ what happened? Physical Verbal Damage Other Select All3b. If "Other" please specify below4. What happened immdediately after the incident?5. Immediate actions taken.6. On reflection, is there anything that could have been done differently or ideas to prevent future adverse incidents?Were PROACT SCIPr interventions used? Yes No N/A Select Alli). If "Yes", attach Body Map to indicate points of contact made and specify/ describe technique used:ii) Attach Body Map Drop files here or Select files Max. file size: 256 MB. Attach as any document, picture or file.Was medication administered in accodance with individual protocols? Yes No N/A Select AllWas there physical contact/ injury or intimidation on anyone else (no matter how minor)? Yes No Select AllIf "Yes", Please provide full details (including injury) below for future use.